A court in Lahore on Monday accepted the post-arrest bail application filed by Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) leader Nazeer Chauhan in attempted murder case in lieu of a surety bond of Rs50, 000 after he reached a settlement with Paki-stan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) MPA Shabbir Gujjar.
Recording his statement in the court at city’s Model Town kutchehry, MPA Gujjar said that he had for-given Chauhan for The Almighty Allah’s sake.
Speaking on the occasion, Adil Gujjar, the MPA’s nephew, too, said he had no objection to the release of Chauhan either.
Chauhan had won the 2018 general elections on PTI’s ticket but later switched his loyalties and contested the July 17 by-election on PML-N’s ticket.
One month before the by-election in PP-167, Lahore, there was a clash between groups of PML-N and PTI after police raided the latter’s office in Johar Town locality of the Punjab capital and took into custody several party workers.
During the clash, Adil Gujjar received a bullet.