The Lahore High Court on Friday has directed Punjab chief secretary and Inspector General of Police (IGP) to appear before court in person on January 13 this month.
The court issued these directions while hearing the petitions filed by different individuals who have challenged inclusion of their names in list of top-ten goons prepared by the police.
At this, Justice Aalia Neelum directed a law officer to make the chief secretary and IGP inspector general of police appear in the court to explain their position. Khwaja Aqeel Ahmad alias Gogi Butt, Mansha Bamm Ameer Balaj, son of late Tipu Truckawalan, and others filed the petitions.
In the petition the applicants claimed on of being innocent and said that they were never involved in any illegal activity.
Bamm was of the view that he was PTI worker and a law abiding citizen. He said he had never been involved in any illegal act.
Balaj said there were two cases against him and he had been granted bail in them by relevant courts of law.
The petitioners argued that the police included their names in the list of top-ten goons with malafide intension and beyond any lawful reason.
They asked the court to order the police to remove their names from the list and also restrain it from causing any harassment to them.s