Punjab Skills Development Fund (PSDF) and international platform Gnowbe have partnered to offer a Free online course “Stay Protected with Infection Control and Prevention 101 Program” for the general public in Pakistan to understand the nature of the virus and its transmission, and protect themselves during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The free 30-minute course offered by Singapore’s leading Ngee Ann Polytechnic, uses Gnowbe’s e- learning platform to provide necessary information that can help curtail the rapid spread of infectious diseases such as Covid-19As part of the recently signed Memorandum of Understanding between the two organizations. PSDF has created an Urdu version of the course to make it accessible to the broader public.
While the course is open and free to the general public, it is especially recommended for individuals working on the frontline like the Prime Minister’s Tiger Force, field volunteers providing food and critical services, bank employees, law enforcement officers and people living in close quarters where the disease has the highest chances of spreading.
To impart necessary knowledge and information in an engaging manner, the course utilizes a combination of informative videos, tutorials and quizzes to educate the public.
Course material comprises of two main topics: Infection Transmission (that details the chain of infection and transmission of diseases) and Infection Prevention (that consists of sessions on prevention by hand hygiene and wearing Personal Protective Equipment). Those who complete the course successfully will receive an international certification from Ngee Ann Polytechnic, School of Health Sciences, Singapore.
Speaking on the partnership with Gnowbe, Jawad Khan, CEO PSDF commented, “we are delighted to be partnering with a forward-thinking global organization to offer this course in Pakistan at this crucial time. PSDF is playing its part by leading from the front in providing the necessary information on prevention and control on the Covid-19 pandemic.”
In Singapore, Gnowbe has already been using the platform to provide the course ‘Infection Control and Prevention 101’ free of charge to the general public in 8 languages including Mandarin, Arabic, Malay and German. The partnership with PSDF will add Urdu to the menu as well.
If you are interested in taking the course, use the following links to access it, free of charge: In Urdu: https://gnow.be/seykj3?s=1: In English: https://learn.gnowbe.com/infection-prevention-control-101