The Retired Chief Secretaries Committee reviewed the situation emerging from the developments taking place within the context of Police Reforms in its meeting held here on Saturday.
The meeting took exception to the fierce criticism of some retired Police officers against the civil servants, of DMG / PAS Cadre, which is being transmitted through the media, electronic media in particular. It was stated that it was highly undesirable and unsavoury to pit one occupational group against the other in a bid to thwart the policy process, meant to address some serious issues of Peace and Order.
It stated that addressing issues of public importance through the process of Public Policy Formulation is the prerogative of the Government. Civil servants are required to contribute to the process through their professional expertise and experience. Their input is further scrutinized by the higher offices which overview the entire process. Targeting the civil servants for any such intervention of the Government is highly deplorable. The Police Order 2002 was promulgated by the Government and its Amendments would also be incorporated by the Government, from time to time.
The meeting noted that neither any civil servant could dishonestly add any content suiting his Service Interests nor would any senior echelon of the Government allow anyone to make any such attempt.—INP