In his reaction to Nawaz Sharif speech to APC on Sunday, Pakistan Muslim League (PML) President and former Prime Minister Ch Shujat Hussain on Monday said that every time on coming into power Nawaz Sharif took up fight with the army and weakened institutions.
“As a prime minister Nawaz should have created national stability, solidarity and national security which he did not do.”
He said that Mian Nawaz Sharif targeted the army instead of politicians of his criticism, advisors who wrote his speech and got it delivered had one again hit Nawaz Sharif on his feet, the substance of his speech was that he is against the army not the politicians.
Ch Shujat said that in his speech Nawaz Sharif mentioned about rigging but forgot to mention rigging done in his favour.
Nawaz Sharif said that the country has been turned into a laboratory whereas he himself had laid the foundation of this laboratory and in 1990 elections, he himself had announced result at 12 noon which the Election Commission had to announce in the evening,” Ch Shujaat recalled.
He said that at that time it was Nawaz Sharif who had requested the Election Commission that the army should assume responsibility for the election. “The army was good then because it was in the interest of Nawaz and now it has become bad because Nawaz is no more in the power.
Nawaz Sharif accused the institutions of hijacking the elections and dishonesty whereas he had himself done this work for becoming the prime minister, Nawaz Sharif should have thought before talking about Chairman that he himself had nominated him”, he added
Ch Shujat said that decisions are not to be taken by Nawaz Sharif but by the people and now the people will not accept decisions of dishonesty again.