Senior Provincial Minister of Punjab Marriyum Aurangzeb took notice of the incident of catching dolphins infishermen’s nets at Chachar Sharif Khanpur in the Indus River. On the special instructions of the senior provincial minister, the wildlife department of Punjab was immediately mobilized. The incident of dolphin entanglement occurred when the local people were fishing. Local people made a video of this incident and put it on social media.
Senior Provincial Minister Marriyum Aurangzeb issued instructions to the local team to recover the dolphin immediately. The provincial minister said that the blind dolphin is the rarest species in the world which is found in the Indus river, its protection is of key importance and it is the duty of all of us. Senior Provincial Minister Punjab Marriyum Aurangzeb also said that an awareness campaign should be conducted in the concerned area regarding the conservation of dolphins. Can’t allow wildlife to be captured, videoed and hurt, she added. On the orderws of Senior Provincial Minister Marriyum Aurangzeb, DG Wildlife Punjab along with the team reached the spot and the wildlife team conducted a search operation in the area to get information about the attacking poachers.