As part of recommendations to improve theeconomic situation, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Tuesdaycalled upon Pakistan’s government, to demand the privatization ofUtility Stores and state-owned entities.
In its recommendations, the IMF proposed transferring Utility Stores tothe private sector, which could lead to generating greater efficiencyand profitability.
Furthermore, the international money lender suggested an increase in thebudget allocated to the Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP), whichaimed to provide additional financial support to vulnerable segments ofthe population.
The IMF suggested that the headship of government-owned enterprises is
detrimental to the economy in the current economic situation and advised
reforms in this area.
The Ministry of Industries also proposed to privatize the Utility Storesacross the country. However, the caretaker government has not yetresponded to the suggestions and proposals to the IMF in this regard.—NNI