The Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) on Tuesday arrested an accused allegedly a hawala operator from the Saddar area and recovered hawala money, foreign currency, mobile phones, and laptops from his possession. According to the spokesman for FIA Sindh, the Agencys State Bank Circle in a raid at a mobile shop namely Global Mobile located in Star City Mall in Saddar arrested a hawala operator identified as Abdul Kareem.
The FIA recovered hawala money Pakistani currency rupees 352,500, Saudi Riyal 1500, Omani Riyal 5, 16 Apple iPhones, 3 OnePlus mobile phones, two Google mobile phones, 9 Samsung mobile phones, and two laptops from the possession of the arrested.
The total value of the recovered laptops and mobile phones was Rs. 6.2 million. Recovered mobile phones and laptops were smuggled from Dubai to Karachi with the help of traffickers to avoid Customs duty while the payments of the phones and laptops were sent to Dubai through hawala. A case had been registered and further investigations were underway. The district police have seized 2000 liters of Iranian Diesel and illegal stock of different commodities during ongoing crackdown against hoarding and smuggling. According to police spokesman, a crackdown against hoarding and smuggling was underway across the district following the directions of District Police Officer (DPO) Abdul Rauf Babar Qaisrani.
During crackdown, the Paroa police led by SHO Zafar Abbas in a joint operation along with officials of food department recovered a total of 1586 sacks of different commodities which were illegally stored in house of Umar Daraz Khan, a resident of SikandarJanobi. The sacks of commodities included 891 of sugar, 140 of wheat, 340 of chickpeas and 215 others.
The police taking action against illegal Diesel agencies recovered 400 liters of Iranian Diesel from Muhammad Suleman and 600 liters of Iranian Diesel from Ajmeer Shah. Similarly, a team of DarabanPolice station led by SHO Atta Ullah Khan recovered 1000 liters of Iranian Diesel from Yousaf son of Shah Fahad Khan. The police registered separate cases against the accused and started investigation.