Delhi’s Karkardooma court has acquitted a former Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) student, Umar Khalid and United Against Hate member Khalid Saifi in a case related to the Delhi communal violence in February 2020.
The Bharatiya Janata Party government arrested scores of students, political and civil society members including Umar Khalid and booked them under draconian law Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) in connection with the Delhi riots in Feb-ruary 2020 which left 53 people dead, mostly Mus-lims, and over 700 injured.
The case registered against them was based on the statement of a police constable who said Umar Khalid and Khalid Saifi led a crowd of protesters who pelted stones at Delhi’s Chand Bagh in Febru-ary 2020.
The two were released on bail in this case but remain behind bars in connection with different cases. They were charged under the Unlawful Ac-tivities (Prevention) Act and are currently in judicial custody.—KMS