Inspector General of Police Shoaib Dastagir said that special attention should be given on psychological test and profiling during final interviews for best recruitment of officials into the force so that in next recruitment session, besides required educational standard and physical health, mentally sound and strong and able persons might be made the part of the police force.
These views were expressed by him when while directing the officers in a session of executive board held at Central Police Office on Friday.
He further said that, during written exam of recruitment in all districts, testing agency should be foretold in detail about preferences and demand of police service so that process of scrutiny of officials during holding of test may be done in a better way whereas allocated marks for interview of candidates should also enhanced during recruitment.
The IG further added under rotation policy the posting duration of officials in different sections rely on the discretion of unit head which as per requirement may be appointed for two or more than two years. He further said that issued directions and SOPs with respect to transfer posting of officials in PC, Traffic, Training, Elite and other formations should be strictly followed and implemented.
In the session issues of promotion rules of SPs, DSPs, acquisition of services of testing agency and standing orders regarding transfer posting of officials came under discussion.
During the session, DIG headquarters Syed Khurram Ali, DIG Establishment-I, Ashfaq Ahmad Khan and DIG Establishment-II, Maqsodul Hassan gave briefings of under discussion issues whereas for decisions making all officers gave suggestions and recommendations based upon their observations.
Officers in the session deeply examined the draft of promotion rules for ranks of SPs and DSPs whereas standing order regarding transfer posting of Inspectors to constables was also discussed and after examining all matters, IG Punjab issued orders to officers after reviewing all the discussion.