On the instructions of Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar for the crackdown against those involved in making spurious sanitizers, hand wash and antiseptic chemicals, the police and district administration have apprehended four accused and recovered hundreds of litres of fake sanitizers, hand wash and antiseptic chemicals in Gujranwala.
The police also recovered drums and other equipment being used in the preparation of sanitizers, hand wash and antiseptic chemicals. On a tip-off by the Special Branch, police and administration conducted a raid at a godown in the area of Kamboh Paan Shop Jinnah Road of PS Civil Lines and another raid was conducted in the area of Sharifpura Puli, GT Road in the precinct of PS Model Town.
Four accused namely Bahsarat, Hayyat, Mudasir Iqbal and Mubashir Iqbal were arrested. Meanwhile, the CM issued instructions to accelerate crackdown against the mafia involved in the making of spurious sanitizers and hand wash. Such elements deserve no leniency, he added and further directed the police and administration to continue an action without any discrimination.
Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar paid rich tributes to Dr Usama Riaz who embraced martyrdom while treating coronavirus patients. In a statement, he said that Dr Usama set an everlasting example of bravery and courage. Personalities like Dr Usama are the pride of the medical profession and nation salutes him, he said. The services of Dr Usama Shaheed will long be remembered. The doctors and paramedical staff are leading the war against coronavirus and we laud their important role in this regard, he added.
The CM and others used sanitizers before attending 28th cabinet meeting and their temperature was also got checked through thermo gun. Chairs were arranged at a suitable distance and only essential staff was called for duty.
Meanwhile, the chief minister maintained that these steps are essential for safety from coronavirus. This meeting is called due to very important matters and meetings will be held through video link, he added.