Punjab Inspector General of Police Rao Sardar Ali Khan on Thursday said that no effort should be spared for the protection of life, honour and property of the common man.
He stressed upon effective use of all available resources to maintain law and order and root out crime across province.
“Strict action should be taken against those blocking highways under the guise of protest and cause problems for citizens.”
IG Police Rao Sardar Ali Khan issued the instructions to all RPOs of province during a video link conference from Central Police Office here on Thursday.
During the meeting, the law & order situation and crime eradication were discussed in detail across province.
The IG Police said that maintaining writ of state is one of basic duties of the police and strict action should be taken against miscreants and their facilitators to thwart any attempt to disturb the peace.
Rao Sardar Ali said that in areas where crime rate is high, number of patrolling personnel should be enhanced besides effective monitoring of patrolling plan.
He emphasized upon effective supervision of ongoing campaign against hardened criminals especially A-category criminals and fugitives.
He also directed to pay attention on strengthening of police intelligence network in this regard.
The meeting was attended by CCPO Lahore Ghulam Mahmood Dogar, Additional IG Operations Sahibzada Shehzad Sultan, Additional IG Special Branch Zaeem Iqbal Sheikh, Additional IG CTD Wasim Ahmed Khan, DIG Operations Punjab Sajid Kayani, DIG Operations Lahore Capt (retd) Sohail Chaudhry and AIG Operations Syed Zeeshan Raza along with other officers .