University of Management and Tech-nology (UMT) held its 21st Convoca-tion 2022 at the UMT Greens. The UMT family adhered to strict COVID-19 SOPs in order to be safe and protect the community. Total 2311 graduates were given degrees in various discip-lines on this occasion. According to the details 1458 Bache-lors, 202 Masters, 634 MS/MPhil and 17 PhD degrees were conferred.
Chaudhary Mohammad Sarwar, Governor of Punjab in his ad-dress congratulated the graduates for achieving this great milestone and making their parents and teachers proud. He highly praised Ibrahim Has-san Murad for his tremendous efforts, hard work, and dedication in making UMT reach the skyline of success and said that he is proud that UMT is func-tioning on the vision of Dr. Hasan So-haib Murad (Shaheed). He also hig-hlighted the importance of passion, commitment, and consistency while achieving your goals. He shared that his motto in life is “nothing is impossi-ble”.
Rector UMT Dr Asif Raza gave a welcome note where he offered his ge-nuine appreciation to the presence of Governor Punjab, Chaudhry Moham-mad Sarwar, and said that he is a source of inspiration for the graduating students, their parents, and the entire UMT family.