Planning & Development Board (P&D Board) Chairman Abdullahh Khan Sumbal presided over a review meeting on Punjab Green Development Program (PGDP) here at P&D Complex on Monday.
The meeting focused on reviewing progress and way forward of all Disbursement Linked Indicators (DLIs) and Disbursement Linked Results (DLR) of the Program.
The Chairman P&D Board expressed his satisfaction on the current status of PGDP and urged the executing and implementing departments to continue with focused efforts in their related DLIs to ensure proper and effective utilization to achieve the set goals. He praised the efforts of Project Coordination Unit (PCU) of PGDP in P&D Board for stepping ahead in streamlining the coordination procedures under the supervision of Member Environment Dr. Muhammad Abid Bodla. He also suggested ways to robust the quality of slow paced DLIs/DLRs of the program.
The Chair was briefed about the current status and key accomplishments of the Program in detailed presentation by Waqar, Project Director SP&IU EPD.
It was told that up to June 30, 2022, US $ 92 million has been disbursed whereas loan amount of the project is US $ 200 million. Key achievements including allocation of 10 kanals land for green building, sanctioned land in different cities of Punjab and other were also made part of the presentation. Key targets of FY 2022-23 and comparative analysis of achieved targets of past years were also discussed in the meeting and it was appreciated by the Chair that the Program has attained satisfactory pace and direction now.
The objective of the Punjab Green Development Program Project for Pakistan is to strengthen environmental governance and promote green investments in Punjab. The implementing departments include Environment Protection Department, Transport, Energy, Industries, Planning and Development Board, and Finance Department.
It is pertinent to mention that a Program Coordination Unit (PCU) has been established in P&D Board with objectives to provide administrative support to the Project Steering Committee of PGDP; conduct independent verification of DLIs/DLRs of project; provide necessary technical backstopping to implementing departments, and overall supervision and monitoring of PGDP activities.