Education cannot be treated as a commodity delegated to private sector rather it is a fundamental right guaranteed by state, for which it must be held accountable. This was urged by the speakers at a policy dialogue titled “Citizen’s Agenda for Gender-Responsive, Inclusive, and Resilient Education” organized by Society for Access to Quality Education (SAQE) during the 15th Annual Convention.
The theme was “People’s Agenda for Transforming Education; from Silos to Systems.”
Zehra Arshad, Executive Director, SAQE highlighted that addressing the education emergency requires inclusive policy planning with every stakeholder meaningfully engaged and guided by up-to-date gender-disaggregated data.
She stated, “Political will remains central to ensuring access to quality education and urged the adoption of a ‘Charter of Education’ to build consensus on long-term education policies.” She called on the government to commit to scaling up education financing to a minimum of 4% of GDP, compared to the current 1.9%, and significantly increase development budget allocations to catalyze inclusive education transformation.
State has guaranteed right to education for every child, thus government, state and legislators must be held accountable for the education emergency”, said HumaChughtai, Member National Assembly.