ISLAMABAD The lawmakers on Friday expressed solidarity with Chinese government and people on the tribulation and affliction of novel coronavirus which had inflicted China and some parts of the world. Speaking on a point of public importance in the Senate, Leader of the House Syed Shibli Faraz said no case of coronavirus had been reported so far in the country. He said that a comprehensive strategy had been worked out to cope with coronavirus and the government and all the stakeholders were monitoring the screening system at airports. Shibli Faraz said that all possible steps were being ensured to deal with coronavirus and the government was ready to tackle any emergency situation in this regard. He said an emergency operation cell, established at the Ministry of National Heath, Services and Regulations, had been observing the situation. Shibli Faraz said that the separate wards had been set up at hospitals to deal with cases of coronavirus, if any. He said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Pakistan Embassy in China were actively monitoring the situation of coronavirus outbreak and also informing the parents of the students on continuous basis.