Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar on Monday said the Punjab government has given all districts of the South Punjab their rights which were usurped in the past.
“A separate development budget has been devised for the first time to change life of the common man for better and guarantee development of South Punjab.”
Recalling the past rulers, the chief minister regretted that development funds meant for South Punjab were diverted to other districts and cities, which was a great injustice, adding that people of South Punjab were always deceived in the name of development.
“Not only South Punjab was kept backward but people were also deceived through misleading figures,” Usman Buzdar pointed out and added that in the past, overall utilization of development funds in South Punjab was not more than 17 percent.
“But now the PTI government has allotted more than 34 percent of the total provincial budget for South Punjab to ensure composite development,” the chief minister maintained.
CM Usman Buzdar claimed that the PTI has also ring-fenced south Punjab’s development budget to ensure the welfare of the people of remote areas.
“The days of backwardness of South Punjab are over and the whole country will be made prosperous under the dynamic leadership of PM Imran Khan.”
The chief minister said the incumbent Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government has given south Punjab districts their rights which were usurped in the past and a separate development budget has also been devised for the first time.
He regretted that during former regimes, South Punjab’s funds were spent on other cities and the people of south Punjab were deceived in the name of development.
Usman Buzdar said that south Punjab was only kept backward but people were also deceived through misleading figures.
In the past, the overall utilization of development funds in south Punjab was not more than 17 per cent but the PTI government has allotted more than 34 per cent budget for south Punjab to ensure composite development, he maintained.
The chief minister said that the PTI has also ring-fenced south Punjab’s development budget to ensure the welfare of the people of remote areas. The days of backwardness of south Punjab are over and the whole country will be made prosperous under the dynamic leadership of PM Imran Khan, he concluded.
Meanwhile, upon notice of Chief Minister Usman Buzdar, the Khanewal police have traced the murder of a four years old girl child and arrested her murderer uncle who has confessed to killing her.
In a statement, the CM has assured to provide justice to the bereaved family adding that the killer deserves exemplary punishment.