ALL institutions funded by tax payers, including constitutional public office holders, exist to serve Pakistan and its citizens. Political parties must follow MAJ as their role model. Jinnah’s vision and publicly declared policies must serve as role model. Politicians and political parties they head, including paid elite, must understand that they exist because of Pakistan and not vice versa. Those who have any doubts must look at fate of millions of Muslims who live in India and face endless persecution in Modi’s India. They followed Maulana Azad, who lacked vision to see through the Hindu Supremacist mindset. The manner in which Palestinians are being systematically subjected to ethnic cleansing in Gaza and West Bank, should awaken us to ground realities. Pakistan, despite its shortcomings, is our sole homeland. There are no doubts that reforms are needed to restore MAJ’s vision of a modern democratic welfare state.
It is time politicians understand significance and sensitivity of our relations, especially with countries with whom we have economic links and have always supported us. In the pursuit of game of thrones, Pakistan’s relations with known foreign allies should never be a subject of populist political campaigns, based on innuendos and alleged conspiracy theories which cannot be substantiated. Such campaigns by populist leaders mislead their followers. Any debate about Pakistan’s relations with any foreign country should be carried out in Parliament. They should never be the subject of peak time “Talk Shows”. In-house editorial boards of private TV channels need to assume responsibility. The fact that such an irresponsible talk show was aired at a time when a key Saudi delegation was in Pakistan, holding discussions about much needed foreign investment casts doubts about their political maturity, foresight and intellect.
Pakistan faces economic turmoil and security risks, worsening the plight of its impoverished population. Political self-interest must not obstruct the nation’s survival. Cease the spread of false propaganda, predominantly from western nations, targeting our security forces. In governance, prioritize civilian authority instead of advocating unconstitutional policies like the One Page doctrine. Constructive criticism and reforms belong in parliamentary debates, not on social platforms. Dual citizens, who have sworn allegiance to other countries, should not shape Pakistan’s destiny. It’s imperative to prioritize the nation’s well-being over individual or party ambitions, safeguarding its stability and prosperity.
Citizenship rights, including voting, health benefits and political party membership, should be exclusive to Pakistani residents who pay taxes. Granting political office to those who renounce loyalty risks repeating colonial mistakes. Pakistan’s founding aimed for inclusive rights and self-governance, championed by leaders like Quaid-e-Azam and Allama Iqbal. However, this vision was derailed by remnants of British rule, leading to constitutional disruptions and dictatorship. Upholding the true spirit of independence demands restricting political participation to loyal citizens, ensuring Pakistan’s democratic ideals endure.
MAJ elaborated on significance of oath taken by paid elite on 14 June 1948, when he reminded them, that they had no political role in governance. Unfortunately, MAJ’s advice to paid public office holders was ignored, and the major beneficiary of welfare, instead of citizens, was the paid elite of this country. The Raj used allotments of lands to buy loyalties of natives willing to serve HM government and betray their motherland. While the paid British civil and uniformed servants in UK, live in modest houses, pay all taxes; the Raj pampered locals in occupied colonies, willing to collaborate and serve them. They housed such collaborators in segregated housing societies, spread over several acres and trained them to be masters instead of servants. This mindset should have been transformed after independence. India managed to do that, after adopting the constitution in 1950. Unfortunately, in Pakistan, intrigues by bonapartistes derailed Jinnah’s vision.
Pakistan was an achievement of a political and democratic struggle. Stanley Wolpert states “Few individuals significantly alter the course of history; Fewer still modify the map of the world. Hardly any can be credited with creating a nation-state. MAJ did all three”. The biggest disservice to Pakistan is disruption of democratic process and delay in adoption of constitution. It is time the state shifts its limited resources for welfare of citizens and investment in development of human resources etc. Greed for allotment of state lands has created an environmental disaster, food shortages etc. There is absolutely no justification for waiving property taxes, or rebates in utility bills, to already pampered paid elite. On 14 August 1947, former Punjab and Sindh were divided, and this became the recognized boundary.
The same should apply to our western borders. Other than facilitating smuggling or extremism, free movement across Afghanistan border, has yielded no benefit. RAW agents adopting tactics of Israeli MOSAD are actively involved in carrying out targeted killing of citizens within territory of Pakistan. This reflects poorly on law enforcement and intelligence. Intrigues by remnants of Raj were involved in dismissal of Khawaja Nazimuddin, an associate of MAJ, who served as second GG of Pakistan from 1948 to 1951. A democratically elected government was a thorn in their scheme. Khawaja Nazimuddin’s government was dismissed by GG in 1953 and stage set for political gerrymandering.
—The writer is contributing columnist, based in Lahore.