ISLAMABAD Prime Minister Imran Khan on Friday directed authorities to open the ChamanSpinboldak border between Pakistan and Afghanistan and said Islamabad would continue to support Kabul during the global coronavirus pandemic. “Despite the global pandemic of COVID-19, we remain committed to supporting our Afghan brothers and sisters. I have given instructions to open the Chaman-Spinboldak border and let trucks crossover into Afghanistan. In this time of crisis, we remain steadfast withAfghanistan,” PM Imran said in a tweet. Earlier, ex-Afghanistan CEO Abdullah Abdullah had thanked PM Imran for keeping the Chaman-Boldak border open.“I thank PM Imran and Pakistan government for accepting our people and traders’ call to keep the ChamanBoldak border open for the flow of foodstuff and key commodities at this critical time,” Abdullah had tweeted. He had added thatAfghanistan highly appreciates this gesture as it further strengthens bilateral ties betweenthetwo countries.