The Punjab Food Authority (PFA) has sealed four factories and discarded more than 7,000 kilograms substandard food while carrying out a grand operation in various part of the provincial metropolis on Saturday. The authority also lodged an FIR against food business operator in the respective police station after apprehending him.
The operation was led by PFA Director General Irfan Memon. According to details, PFA has sealed the warehouse and shop of Fiazan Factory in Glasco Town Nishter on account of adulteration. The authority also shut down production units of ABN Foods, SBN Foods and Abid Nimko in the vicinity of Ferozpur Road, Kenchi Stop.
Irfan Memon said that the food products for children were being prepared with expired, adulterated and food scrap items.
He said that the team also found the contamination of adulterated spices and poor quality oil in nimko. Further, the provincial food regulatory body has witnessed the violation of food labelling regulation during conducted different raids.
He said that PFA has discarded 3,350kg fake chocolate powder, 2,200kg artificial chickpea flour, 1,375kg powdered milk, 400kg loose spices and 60kg noodles. He further said that PFA would not compromise on the quality of the food which usually consumed by children.
He added that the Punjab Food Authority will protect the future of the nation at all costs because they are the future and asset of the country.