Residents found nine-month-old twin sisters abandoned on a footpath in their neighbourhood, the police confirmed. The police said the incident reported in Rachna Town area of Faisalabad.
A resident informed that they heard wailing of infants late in the night and when came out of house, they found a twin sisters laying on footpath. Upon which they immediately called police.
The police handed over the twins in the custody of the Punjab Child Protection Bureau. According to the bureau’s district officer, the infants were deliberately left there.
“They were properly dressed and had a bag with them which contained milk bottles, feeders and extra clothes,” she said, adding that when they were found, they were suffering from high fevers.
They have been shifted to the Hilal-e-Ahmar Maternity Hospital. “When the twins were brought in, they had fevers,” Dr Irfan Qadir confirmed. “We gave them medicine after which they got better,” he added.
A bureau officer said that these cases usually took place due to domestic issues. She revealed that so far in 2020, more than 85 abandoned children have been rescued.
The police have begun investigations to find the twins’ parents.