Islamabad has a higher level of rate of Literacy as compared to the other parts of the country. Similarly the number of OOSC is less than the other parts of the country too. However, there are still challenges in terms of ensuring that all children have access to education. The population of Islamabad Capital Territory is more than two million and number of children of age 05 to 16 in Islamabad is 629,538 (estimated), the percentage of OOSC is 10% (ref PSLM 2019-20). The total number of OOSC in Islamabad is more than 52,000” this was observed by DG NCHD Syed Junaid Akhlaq while addressing the community at the inauguration ceremony of community school Barakahu ,in Islamabad on Wednesday.
He said that some factors that contribute to the issue of out-of-school children in Islamabad and other areas of Pakistan as well include: Poverty, Gender disparities, Infrastructure and accessibility related to safety, internal displacement and lack of quality of education. Efforts are being made by the government, non-governmental organizations, and civil society to address these challenges and increase access to education for all children, he informed. Recently Ministry of federal Education & Professional trainings had launched ZERO OOSC Drive for Islamabad.