Punjab Agriculture Minister Syed Ashiq Hussain Kirmani said that researchers should accelerate research efforts to introduce new varieties of crops with better yield for the Pothwar region and other rainfed areas. The Pothwar region is highly suitable for the cultivation of fruits and vegetables and introduction of high yielding fruits is the need of the hour.
He expressed these views during his visit to PirMehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi (PMAS-AAUR), here on Wednesday. On the occasion, Punjab Agriculture Secretary Iftikhar Ali Sahu, Rawalpindi MPA Raja Muhammad Hanif, Malik Iftikhar Ahmed, Ziaullah Shah, Syed ShahidIftikharBukhari Director Agriculture (Extension) Rawalpindi Division, Dr. Anjum Ali Butar Project Director Punjab Agriculture Department, PMAS-AAUR, Deans Directors were also present on this occasion.