DG Walled City, Kamran Lashari announced a Rs 3 billion project aimed to promote religious tourism and restoring the areas surrounding Qasim Fort was being launched. The project will include the restoration of Damdama, Nigarkhana, Library, and Langar Khana within the Walled City. Formal work in front of Damdama and around the shrine would commence soon.
While addressing a briefing at Commissioner office, the DG informed that Chief Minister Punjab, Maryam Nawaz had issued directives to highlight the centuries-old religious and cultural significance of Multan. The CM instructed the immediate commencement of the upgradation scheme under the Walled City project, Lashari added. commissioner Multan, Maryam Khan, said that Punjab Walled City has formulated a special plan for the upgradation of the fort and other historical buildings. Government departments situated within the fort will be relocated outside its boundaries and all construction projects will be made accessible for individuals with disabilities, she explained. The centuries-old architectural style is being preserved in the ongoing restoration of the shrines of saints in Multan, the commissioner noted.
Maryam Khan emphasized that the shrines of saints are the pride of Multan and a hallmark of the region. People from around the world visit shrines for spiritual solace. The ancient architectural style of these shrine buildings has particular interest for the tourists. The meeting was attended by Additional Commissioner Abdul Jabbar, Director Development Rubina Kosar, and Najm-ul-Saqib.