The District Police Officer (DPO) Okara, Mansoor Amaan, along with his team, visited the University of Okara (UO) and briefed the students on how to use Police Mobile Khidmat Markaz.
At the eve, the UO’s Director Financial Aid, Dr Shoaib Saleem, Director Student Affairs Dr Amjad Ali, Chairperson Department of Teacher Education, Dr Khalid Saleem, Chairman Department of Educational Research & Assessment, Dr Tahir Farooqi, Assistant Professor of Botany, Dr Muhammad Iqbal, Security Officer, Nobahar Khan, and various other administrative officers and faculty members were also present.
While talking to the students, the DPO told that they had made the Khidmat Markaz services available 24/7 for all citizens. “Besides our Khidmat Markaz services at police stations, our mobile van visits all localities and educational institutions to provide the services like driving license and character certificate at people’s doorsteps.” According to the university spokesperson, the mobile van of the Khidmat Markaz has visited the campus a few times during last couple of months, facilitating students and staff members on their needs regarding Learner License and other related matters.
Dr Shoaib thanked the DPO for sparing time to interact with the students. He argued that such interactions could bridge the gap between the citizenry and law enforcement agencies.