Nasib Shah Shinwari
The custom clearance agents and traders at Pak Afghan Border Torkham on Friday criticized and condemned the collection of illegal money from export trucks.
Talking this scribe Ibraheem,Adnan and Shafiq accused that officials at Torkham receive Rs.5000 to Rs.10000 from bamboo laden trucks, then they were given permission to enter Afghanistan.
The custom clearance agents said that Fresh vegetables trucks have been issued gate pass before five days and yet they were not given permission to enter Afghanistan.
This is perishable food stuff and would soon be rotten if the border authorities did not allow to enter Afghanistan. Agents stated As per the interior ministry notification 50 trucks of Afghan transit trade and 50 export trucks are allowed to enter Afghanistan. the agents said and added that the custom department officials hardly clear some 30 trucks on daily basis which was not enough.