Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) is en-suring speedy disbursement of Rs.25,000 each among affected families of Balochistan, Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab and Gilgit Baltistan under Flood Relief Cash Assistance.
So far a total of Rs. 61,378,800,000 has been dis-bursed among 2,455,152 flood affected families under Flood Relief Cash Assistance across the coun-try.
In Balochistan 182,335 flood affected families have received Rs. 4,558,375,000. 1,698,411 affected families of Sindh have received Rs.42,460,275,000. In KP 274,891 families have received Rs. 6,872,275,000 whereas 299,109 fami-lies of Punjab have received Rs.7,477,725,000. In Gilgit Baltistan 406 flood affected families have also received Rs. 10,150,000.—APP