Punjab Health Minister Dr Yasmin Rashid on Monday said that work is underway at a brisk pace on the revamp of infrastructure and up-gradation of 222 Basic Health Units as the government has planned to upgrade 2,504 BHUs across Punjab to 24/7 model.
“The revamp will be completed in all the BHUs of Punjab and in the next phase, 2,282 BHUs will be revamped”.
Health Minister Dr Yasmin Rashid was charing a meeting held to review progress on revamp of health facilities under the Pm’s Health Initiative and the up-gradation of the Basic Health Units at the Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department here on Monday.
Punjab Secretary Primary and Secondary Healthcare Capt (r) Usman Younis, Additional Secretary Development Dr Omar Farooq, Dr Zulfiqar, Prof Javed Chaudhry and senior officials of the department attended the meeting. On the occasion, PSH Department Secretary Capt (r) Usman Younis apprised the Minister of the status and progress on the revamp and BHU up-gradation initiative.
The minister was informed that after the revamp, services and facilities will be available at these BHUs for 24 hours. Prime Minister Imran Khan’s vision is to provide basic healthcare facilities at the doorstep of every Pakistani.
Dr Yasmin Rashid reiterated the resolve that it is the foremost priority of the government to provide best quality medical facilities to the common man. “We have filled all vacant positions of doctors, nurses and support staff at the BHUs. Adequate stock of essential medicines is available at the BHUs. The 24/7 services are being provided in over 1,000 BHUs of Punjab.,” the minister added.