New York
A new wave of ravening locust swarms threaten to devastate crops in parts of Pakistan, just as coronavirus risks pitching some of the country’s poorest into destitution, the United Nations agriculture agency has warned. The voracious insects have in the past two years torn through much of the Middle East, South Asia and East Africa in their worst plague for 25 years.
The devastation is set to continue without urgent action, with the insects already breeding in Pakistan after a wet winter. Further swarms are then set to migrate from Iran and the Horn of Africa later in the year.
Britain’s Department for International Development last month gave £1 million to help Pakistan fight the locusts.
Desert locust swarms can fly up to 90 miles per day and if good rains fall and conditions are favourable, can increase their numbers 20-fold in three months. Almost all crops and non-crop plants are vulnerable and the insects are one of the biggest threats to food security in large parts of the world.
“In the midst of additional impacts by Covid-19 on health, livelihoods and food security and nutrition of the most vulnerable communities and populations of Pakistan, it is imperative to contain and control successfully the desert locust infestation,” the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) said earlier this week.
The current regional upsurge in locusts began in the Arabian Peninsula in mid 2018. The pests reached Pakistan last spring and the government last year declared a national emergency. After a wet winter they are now breeding again in Pakistan, while migrating swarms are expected later in the year. The descent of the swarms caught Pakistan unprepared last year, after a quarter of a century of limited threat. Crop dusters and spraying equipment were found to be obsolete or in need of repair.
Half a million acres in 22 districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Balochistan and Sindh provinces are under threat. Wheat, cotton, and oilseed crops have been affected so far.
At the same time the country is experiencing deep economic pain because of the lockdown precautions to halt the spread of the new coronavirus. Poor daily labourers have been worst affected.
Christian Turner, High Commissioner to Pakistan, said: “Covid-19 will impact the poorest and most vulnerable in countries like Pakistan. That is why we are repurposing our UKAid development portfolio in Pakistan to help save lives and livelihoods. This includes immediate health assistance through the WHO, and the rapid response to the threat to crops from locusts.”—Reuters