Chief Minister Punjab Chaudhry Parvez Elahi has congratulated the Sikh community on the 553rd birth anniversary of Baba Guru Nanak.
In a message issued on Monday, the chief minister extended felicitations to the Sikhs on the birth anni-versary of Baba Guru Nanak.
His teachings reflected tolerance, the dignity of people, equal rights, interfaith harmony and help to the needy, Parvez Elahi said and welcomed members of the Sikh community on their arrival in Punjab.
The Punjab government had provided the best facili-ties to the Sikh community to participate in Baba Guru Nanak’s birthday celebrations and perform religious rituals, he said and noted that the establishment of the Kartarpur corridor was a historical achievement and a gift to the Sikh community.
There were numerous holy places of the Sikh com-munity in Pakistan, including Punjab and they had complete freedom to live according to their faith, he added.
Alongside this, special attention had been paid to the maintenance, renovation and security of Gurdwaras of the Sikh community, the CM concluded.