Hira Mani, the famed star of Meray Paas Tum Ho, is presently vacationing in the United States with her family and has been documenting her adventures on social media, much to the delight of her admirers. She recently posted a video of herself filling up a vehicle with gas, along with some strange remarks.
Hira is seen in the Instagram picture standing at a petrol station, filling up the vehicle herself, which is unusual for most Pakistanis. “Apna khaana khud garam kero [reheat your own food],” a slogan popularized by Aurat March protestors in 2019 and the topic of considerable controversy, was captioned on the picture.
“One thing I like about living in the United States is that women here do all of their jobs on their own,” she said. Hira compared it to life in Pakistan, saying, “We are lucky to live in a country where we can summon a Tasneem or a Nazeera baji whenever we need assistance. And there are so many individuals willing to assist you to fill up your car’s tank while you’re at a gas station.”
While it is true that labor is inexpensive in our nation, we would not describe it as fortunate. The “lucky” among us may avoid acquiring fundamental life skills because we can afford to pay others to do it for us, but many, many more people — the bulk of our population — must do it on their own.
Our “luck” is mostly due to other people’s poverty and the absence of a decent life for the majority of Pakistanis, which we see as a tragedy, not a “lucky” event.
It may be more difficult to clean your own house or fill your own gas tanks, but we hope that one day Pakistan will be a nation where Tasneem and Nazeera baji do not have to clean other people’s homes.
Such a state of affairs shows that we as a nation are anything but “lucky”. Calling yourself lucky at the expense of others’ poverty and manual labor only shows how shortsighted can one be when it comes to their privilege.
Read more: https://pakobserver.net/lifestyle-pakistan/