Staff Reporter
Ambassador Paul W. Jones and Chief Minister of Sindh Syed Murad Ali Shah Tuesday inaugurated a recently completed school that was constructed with support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) at Damba Village in Gadap Town, Karachi.Many local students attended the ceremony and saw where a computer lab, health room and library will be installed to give them a very enhanced learning environment. The modern school is built to high standards so that multiple generations of students will benefit.
“I’m pleased that the partnership between the U.S. Government and Sindh government is showing great results through improved quality of education in public schools in the province,” Ambassador Paul W. Jones said.“True and lasting development starts with education. The United States and Pakistan share this belief, and that is why we are committed to expanding our cooperation in education.”
Chief Minister Shah expressed his appreciation for the U.S. Government’s strong support in modernizing education in Sindhand the province’s strong and ongoing partnership with USAID.
This new school building was constructed with the support of USAID’s25 billion Pakistani Rupee ($159.2 million) Sindh Basic Education Program (SBEP), in partnership with the Government of Sindh. The U.S. Government is supporting construction of112 modern school buildings in nine districts of Northern Sindh and five towns of Karachi.
Construction of 68 schools has already been completed, while44 are under various stages of construction.