Punjab Health Minister Dr. Yasmin Rashid visited Sahulat Bazar Islampura here on Saturday to monitor the prices and quality of essential commodities. The Minister was accompanied by Assistant Commissioner Tabraiz Mari, Ali Amir and notables of the area. The Minister visited different stalls and inquired from the visitors about their experience on quality and prices of the items. The visitors of Sahulat Bazar expressed satisfaction on the quality and prices and asked the Minister to continue with the initiative.
The Health Minister said, “These Bazars have been opened on directions from Prime Minister Imran Khan and Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar to facilitate people. Adequate stock of basic commodities is available in these Bazars. These commodities are available for people at affordable prices. People must not face any difficulty at these Bazars.
The government is trying its best to facilitate people through these Bazars. All edibles are available at government rates. Flour, sugar, pulses, fruits, vegetables and meat is available at government approved rates here.