Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah warning the people of Sindh has said that during the last 24 hours 104 new coronavirus cases or 20 percent of the tested cases have been detected in the province which is the highest average in the world. “This is quite worrisome situation and its solution lies in social distancing and observing the lockdown in true letter in spirit.” The CM disclosed in his video message released from CM House on Saturday.
The chief minister said that during last 24 hours (Friday to Saturday 8am) 531 new samples were tested, of them 104 were resulted in as positive. “This is 20 percent of the total tested cases which is highest average of positive cases in the world,” he said and added now we have 1318 positive cases in the province.
Shah said that six patients expired till Thursday morning and the number of expired patients so far has reached to 28. “The death ration comes to 2.1 percent,” he said.
According to the chief minister 922 patients, including 604 in home isolation and 35 at Isolation center are under treatment in different hospitals. In Hyderabad 135 patients are under treatment and in Karachi 111 being treated in different hospitals.
He said that 371 persons have recovered and on Saturday 13 patients recovered and returned to their homes. This is good news, he said.
Giving frequency of the positive cases, the chief minister said that 64 people between 1 to 10 years have been affected, 104 have the age of 11 to 20, 270 of 21 to 30 years, 227 of 31 to 40 year, 182 of 41 to 50 years, 197 of 51 to 60 years, 135 are between 61 to 70 years, 41 are between 71 to 80 and five of 81 to 90 year. This shows that it has affected the age group between 21 to 60 years, he said.