Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif said that sports play an important role in developing skills like teamwork, competition, endurance and discipline in youth. In her message on International Sports Day, the CM said that the purpose of celebrating World Sports Day is to promote peace in the world, adding that the “Kheilta Punjab” program has been designed to promote sports in Punjab.
The chief minister mentioned that the Punjab government is going to establish a construction and rehabilitation department for the recovery and upkeep of grounds and gymnasiums across Punjab. “We are committed to building 300 grounds and sports complexes for youths” she added.
CM Maryam Nawaz Sharif said that the Sports Endowment Fund had been increased from Rs 2 to Rs 4 billion. “We will restore sports festivals and start sports competitions and Punjab league in every union council, she added. Students from 10 universities would also be members of Sports Advisory Council, she informed. She vowed to hire the services of international coaches for players training as per international standards.