OVER the years, Punjab Public Service Commission (PPSC) maintained its credibility for merit-based selection of candidates for jobs in government sector. However unfortunate events of past one week or so suggest that all is not well within the PPSC, raising question mark on its credibility and transparency.
The provincial public service commission’s last minute decision on Saturday to postpone the exam for seats of Revenue Officers (Tehsildars) led to protests by candidates outside exam centres. The candidates who braved cold weather and had to travel long distances alleged the exam was cancelled after a paper was leaked. Almost a week earlier, candidates appearing for the seats of lecturers also held a demonstration alleging favouritism in the appointment process. They alleged that PPSC administration was involved in leaking examination papers and seats were being sold by their employees in exchange for bribes. Though top PPSC administration downplayed the allegations, yet cancellation of Revenue Officer exam indeed smacks of foul play. This matter should not go unnoticed and those behind bringing a bad name to the institution must be exposed and taken to task as per law.
The PPSC is country’s oldest provincial public service commission and its mandate is to recommend suitable candidates through a merit based and expeditious process to promote excellence, professionalism and competence in Punjab Public Service. A course correction is required in the PPSC and the first step should be purging it of black sheep who are involved in leaking papers and making the recruitment process controversial. PTI had come to power with the slogan of upholding merit and improving governance structure. This is not possible without bringing forward best talent. We will therefore urge Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar to personally look into the matters of PPSC before it is too late and the youth lose their confidence on it. The commission must function independently and latest testing techniques should be put in practice to avoid issues such as leakage of papers.