Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) interim visit at National University of Technology (NUTECH). PEC delegation was led by Eng. Prof Dr. M Tufail (NED-UET, Karachi), other team members included Eng. Prof Dr. Rizwan Gul (UET Peshawar), Eng. Prof Dr. Adeel Akram (UET Taxilla), Eng. Prof Riaz Mughal (MUST Mirpur), Eng. Prof Dr Sharif Bhatti (SCET Wah Cannt), Eng. Salman Ahmed (Representative PEC HQ Islamabad).
This two-day PEC interim visit aimed to oversee the programs curriculalabs, faculty and infrastructure facilities available to students for the accreditation of four undergraduate programs (Mechanical, Civil, Electrical and Computer Engineering Departments). Rector of the university Lt Gen (Retd) Khalid Asghar warmlywelcomed the PEC team.
During the visit, Head of Departments (Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and Computer Engineering programs) briefed the team about their department structure, education methodology and faculty hardwork towards achievement of quality education under the guidelines of PEC.
Later, PEC team visited labs, classrooms, library and interacted with students and faculty. PEC team found the faculty, staff, labs and infrastructure requirements according to the criteria, applauded policies, documentations and the institution’s performance and provided useful suggestions for further improvement.
Rector welcomed the suggestions and ensured team members to integrate valuable input for greater interest of students.