The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) joins the international community in marking June 5 as the World Environment Day.
This year’s theme “Ecosystem Restoration” is a timely reminder that it is imperative for the existence of human beings to adopt a holistic and integrated approach to undo the damage caused by the over-utilization and excessive use of ecological resources.
Climate change and environmental issues are high on the OIC agenda. Many of the OIC Member states face a wide range of environmental challenges including deforestation, desertification, water scarcity and adverse impacts of climate change on their socio-economic development.
The OIC 2025: Program of Action calls upon the Member States to protect and preserve the environment, promote sustainable production and consumption patterns and enhance capacities for disaster risk reduction, climate change mitigation and adaptation.
The international community needs to make fundamental behavioral and societal level changes by promoting a shift towards more sustainable and less resource-intensive consumer choices, increasing climate awareness and literacy among the general population.—PR