Federal Minister for Railways Sheikh Rashid Ahmed on Saturday said that Nawaz Sharif’s political funeral and not politics will come to Pakistan. “It is now clear that what had happened to Altaf Hussain will happen to Nawaz Sharif. Nawaz Sharif has become founder of ‘Muttahida’ No. 2 and has strangled his own politics with his tongue, which remained silent for a year.”
Addressing a news conference here on Saturday, Sheikh Rashid regretted that founder of MQM in India did not get the coverage that Nawaz Sharif got yesterday. Sh Rashid predicted that 15 to 20 people would leave Nawaz Sharif by February.
He said that Nawaz Sharif is a court absconder.
He said that the army is the guarantor of peace and stability in the country, but the conspirators want a clash among institutions to weaken Pakistan.
“Whether Zardari remembers or not but Nawaz Sharif went to court wearing a black court against Asif Zardari”, he cited an account from the past while referring to the PML-N and PPP coalition.
Sh Rashid said that billions of rupees were spent on PDM meeting, which was in fact the most failed meeting. “The government has no plan to send Maryam Nawaz abroad. Had this plan designed by government, 11-party alliance would not have been formed”, the minister pointed out.
He said that Nawaz Sharif is a victim of misunderstanding but now there will be open politics. He said that SAPM Shehzad Akbar said that meetings are being held with Shehbaz Sharif.
He said that if the opposition continued with such policies no one can stop Imran Khan to become PM for the next five years, adding that the N-League will continue to break down.
“There is no any army chief of Pakistan with whom Nawaz had not clashed. Noon will be breaking, there is no reason why Sheen did not come out of Noon. Nawaz Sharif came forward openly, now he will have open politics, he added.
Sh Rashid said that Nawaz Sharif is a ‘notorious criminal’ who wants clash among institutions. But Nawaz Sharif’s politics is over. Sh Rashid said that he will speak first and the three will talk to the media later.
He said that doctors say it takes 6 months for Corona patient to recover. Some people are meeting Shahbaz Sharif, as Shehzad Akbar has said that two to three meetings have taken place.
He has said that 15 to 20 people will leave Nawaz Sharif before December. If this is the policy of Nawaz Sharif, then Imran Khan will take the next five years.
If PML-N works on the agenda of the enemies then it should be banned. These are the products of General Jilani’s shoes. They came up by licking the shoes of the generals. Nawaz Sharif Sahib, come to Pakistan, Sh Rashid said. He said that if no one stays with Kashmiris, they will take their right.