SINDH Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah has launched a cru
sade to ensure cleanliness of the city of Quaid. He is not only holding regular high level meetings to ensure coordination in the campaign but also visiting different areas of the city to see for himself the effectiveness of the drive.
The measures initiated by the Chief Minister are leading to a significant change in the overall situation in the metropolis. Karachi became a city of garbage (Kachrachi) not just because of neglect of the civic agencies but also due to care free behaviour of majority of its citizens. Therefore, the Chief Minister did well by issuing a warning for sealing those buildings and shops found throwing debris and garbage on roads and streets across Karachi. Different localities of the city are being cleaned in a systematic manner and provincial ministers as well as concerned deputy commissioners have been assigned the task of overseeing the garbage disposal. The seriousness of the campaign can be gauged by the fact that in Korangi alone 280 garbage transfer stations are being set up and water board has been directed to repair all gutters on a priority basis. The Chairmen of all Union Councils have been asked to own the responsibility of maintaining cleanliness in the areas cleared by the provincial authorities. All this together with the proposal to engage the civil society, schools and other organisations in the rehabilitation of parks which have been cleared of encroachments in Karachi, through an ‘Adopt a Park’ programme has the potential to change the entire landscape of the city provided citizens offer their fullest possible cooperation to the provincial government.