SUKKUR Chief Minister of Sindh (CM) Murad Ali Shah on Thursday has said that the provincial authorities have extended the lockdown to save the lives of people from deadly coroanvirus. Addressing a press conference during his Sukkur visit, the CM said that cases have dropped due to low frequency of coronavirus tests. Food items for majority of ration bags were taken from utility stores, he told. Earlier, Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah had ordered to further tighten the coronavirus lockdown in the province. He expressed concern over increasing cases of the pandemic in Sindh while addressing a press conference and said pillion riding is not allowed along with three to four children on motorbikes. ‘The government is not allowing to open the automobile industry. Construction sector and other departments will be opened as per the standard operating procedures (SOPs),’ he added. ‘The builders will provide all labor and construction details and seek permission from the authorities before starting their work. Action will be taken against the violators,’ the minister said. ‘Further steps are needed to be taken to counter the epidemic and it would be wrong if we claim that situation in Pakistan is better than other countries. The virus in Pakistan is as dangerous as in other countries,’ CM Murad stated.