Rizwan Ghani
MACRON’S net disapproval rating as President is -24%. If he has used extremism for personal political advantage then he has undermined secular office of President to misrepresent the country. The blue colour of French flag represents nobility; the high ideals or excellent moral character. France as a country and its people are not what Macron wants the world to see just for election politics. Nothing could be more selfish and if history is judge then Macron is on his way to lose his re-election. There can’t be enough condemnation of Macron’s irresponsible behaviour. He should apologize for his behaviour because this is what office of secular France expects from him. It will go a long way in bringing the fractured country itself and the world together. Politics can wait. An independent inquiry of the case will help France and rest of the world. It is important because the case is being politicized on other countries for local politics. The case should be investigated and treated as a murder case and justice be served to bring an end to use of religion in politics.
Reportedly, the teacher offered students the chance to leave his classroom before showing the content. But a video of his lesson was uploaded by a parent of one of the student’s who also exchanged text with the killer. The French ministers are blaming social media companies for it and clearly, Macron is at fault as he deliberately politicized it. It is a misrepresentation of moderate and tolerant France that voted for him and respects universal values. Had system of check and balance of judiciary and establishment been in place, President couldn’t have brought harm to France in this way. On foreign policy front, he tried to carve a place for himself in Europe and world stage. But it has failed just as his Lebanon dash. Merkel success with $2.2tnEU stimulus package left Macron bruised and isolated. Merkel shrewdly used the package to turn other Union members as recipients which Conte, Duda and Orban accepted, but was too much for Emperor Macron. He wants a place in old Europe as Johnson is trying to find one through Brexit. It is hard to ignore the optics of the vigils, funeral and the award ceremony bringing Macron at world stage with NATO written all over it.
This explains his statement. No wonder it had to match the ambition with the stage. The grand standing leaders love brass and with NATO Secretary General, not much needs to be done. Had “stupid” Trump played along, Stoltenberg would have had his share of fame too. Sensing the prospects of Biden’s victory, though there is many a slip between surveys and result, the duo decided to become rulers of old Europe with Merkel looking East, Johnson drowned in Brexit, and Conte and his six ministers facing Italy’s courts for handling of coronavirus. It is warning to leaders and politicians that one death too many. Macron needs to understand that France is in need of reforms. He should go out and talk to France. Hollande’s failed foreign policy did not save his presidency. Since 2005, things have not changed. More than 5 million people living in toughest parts of the country are segregated along race and class lines. The face what Hollande has called “unbearable discrimination”? France is ranked among the developed world’s most unequal school systems with students’ performance dependent upon their socio economic status.
The brutal use of police against Yellow Vest Movement is a reminder of failed policies of Macron. Country needs policies to go through the pandemic. The use of force is not going to bring jobs, feed mouths and bring communities together. In the same way, the minorities left unemployed by decades of social and territorial isolation cannot earn and contribute to country’s economy. Politicians need to give minorities dignity. They are French by birth so it is time to bring them in mainstream. Merkel has adjusted one million migrants and in 2019 the country’s exports crossed $1.5tn. Germany had to face problems with the new arrivals but the country is moving on. The credit goes to Merkel and the junior leadership because she used law not force to keep peace in the country. Populism and politics of right has always been there. So have been the monarchs like Henry VIII who got his queen beheaded by a French swordsman because he loved her and didn’t want her to suffer, but she had to die because she could not give him a son. People voted for moderate Macron who promised a breath of fresh air. But if Macron will behave as cursed occupant of Elysee, then history is filled with fate of such rulers. France voted for jobs, education and justice. They voted for protecting weak against strong. How can Macron take them away in 21st century? Why should they not get what is there in the law? The very law that allows Macron to rule also obliges him to respect rights of French with highest moral standards, just like the blue colour in French Flag. Without a just France, lost Macron is history. France deserves a better leader than Macron.
—The writer is senior political analyst based in Islamabad.