PML-N senior leader and former defence minister Khawaja Asif underwent a special medical check-up at Kot Lakhpat Jail on Friday. The PML-N leader requested for a special check-up after having some problem with his eyesight. A medical team from Jinnah Hospital examined the former defence minister.
The doctors will issue a detailed report on Saturday about the possibility of the presence of a cataract. Two days ago, the Islamabad High Court had directed Khawaja Asif to try to resolve the issue of his production order in the parliament. A single bench ordered to solve the matter at the forum of parliament first and if unsuccessful then he can approach the court. The court remarked there would be respect for institutions if the courts do not interfere in such cases.
IHC Chief Justice Athar Minallah asked do politicians come to court if there is democracy in the country. “This is a political matter and it should be settled in the parliament. The court cannot interfere.”—INP