THE Pakistan Army Thursday shot down an Indian quadcopter for violating airspace along the Line of Control (LoC). According to the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), the quadcopter intruded 600 meters inside Pakistan’s territory in Sankh Sector along the LoC for reconnaissance and was immediately shot down. The violation is reflective of true but sick mind of India which loses no opportunity of harming security and interests of Pakistan. The entire world is busy, these day, in the fight against the common enemy i.e. Coronavirus but India tried to exploit the opportunity to spy on Pakistan. Pakistan Army is also engaged in activities aimed at controlling the situation arising out of the spread of the virus but its prompt and effective response to Indian provocation is a clear message to the enemy that the armed forces of the country are ever vigilant to any foreign threat. India always received befitting response whenever it tried to manipulate any particular situation to its favour but it seems New Delhi has not learnt the lesson. The violation at this particular juncture is all the more condemnable as any increase in tension on the LoC or working boundary would force the two countries to divert more resources to address security concerns when both of them need additional resources to tackle the Coronavirus. It is strange that on the one hand India is portraying itself as sponsor of the move to activate the platform of SAARC in the fight against Covid-19 but at the same time it is indulging in acts that vitiate the atmosphere for any cooperative engagement. As pointed out by Director General Major General Babar Iftikhar such unwarranted acts by the Indian Army are a clear violation of established norms, existing air agreement between the two countries and reflect Indian Army’s consistent disregard for the Ceasefire Understanding of 2003.