BADIN The Corona Virus can speedily be spread in the rural areas of district if Govt would not heed properly to mobilize and aware the masses regarding social distance and other prescribed guidelines. These views were expressed by Dr. Kousar Mandhro, District head of Integrated Health Services (IHS) Badin on Wednesday. He deplored that people of rural are yet not aware regarding the corona virus spread and continually holding religious and social gathering with public crowds in rural areas which were being attended by lot of outsider aliens. He said these type activities can create havoc to the people of rural areas by allegedly spreading the virus adding that district administration and law enforcing agencies must take the matter on priority basis and should interrupt to stop such type anti-public activities. IHS district head, Dr. Kousar said that though we have established quarantine centers and isolation rooms in different rural health centers managed by IHS according to available spaces but in the cases of increase of suspected patients of Corona virus, it would very difficult to manage the cases emerge with high ratio and as rural health centers have low spaces to manage such type cases. He stressed the Govt officials and civil society representatives to play their proper role according to their mandate and resources before the things go out of the control.