The Islamabad High Court (IHC) on Thursday extended its stay order against the arrest of Advocate Imaan Mazari and shifting her to out of the Federal Capital in any case registered after August 20. Justice Miangul Hassan Aurangzeb heard the case filed by Imaan Mazari seeking details of cases registered against her across the country.
At the outset of hearing, the officials of Interior Ministry informed the court that one case had been registered against the petitioner in the capital, while the Federal Government could not give directions to the provinces to provide the details in that regard. Justice Miangul Hassan said that the court had only sought the information.
The petitioner’s lawyer Salman Akram Raja said that there was a risk of the arrest of his client if she were released from the Adiala Jail. The court instructed the Interior Ministry to submit details of cases on Monday and asked the Assistant Attorney General to brief the Secretary Interior in that regard. Justice Miangul Hassan said that the court had only sought the information.