Police on Tuesday registered an attempted murder case against PML-N Punjab president Rana Sanaullah, former federal minister Khurram Dastagir Khan, party MPA Imran Khalid Butt and others. The FIR was registered on the complaint of sub-inspector Asghar Hussain at the Satellite Town police station.
According to the FIR, four PML-N supporters attending the Pakistan Democratic Movement’s (PDM) Gujranwala public meeting on October 16 attempted to hit police personnel with their vehicle.
Earlier today, the police registered another FIR against the organisers of the Gujranwala event. According to the FIR, the organisers violated their agreement with the district administration, on the basis of which they were given permission to hold a public meeting.
It said opposition parties of the PDM set up camps in Kamoki, Ghakhar and other areas and brought vehicles into prohibited areas by removing roadblocks in violation of the agreement.—INP