Sindh Minister for Health Azra Pechuho announced on Tuesday that Sindh will set up five more hospitals on emergency basis to deal with the ongoing coronavirus pandemic in the country. She said that the hospitals will be completed till the end of July and will house up to 800 high dependency unit beds in total. The minister also revealed that the province will also add 210 ventilators to its stock to tend to growing patient needs. It was also revealed that a 140 high dependency unit beds will be delivered to the Karachi field hospital in expo center. The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Pakistan has soared to 108,317 after detection of 4,646 new infections in last 24 hours. The Sindh health authorities have warned that the number of beds at high dependency units (HDUs) in isolation centres and hospitals of the province were running short due to a growing number of coronavirus patients, asking the people to take precautionary measures and observe social distancing to meet the challenge. In a statement earlier, Sindh Minister for Health Azra Pechuho had appealed to the people to follow social distancing and precautionary measures to keep things under control. “In our high dependency units (HDU), the number of beds is falling short,” she said. “People would have to take precautionary measures at any cost. We are also making effort to build our capacity and number of beds but people have to play their role.”