CHAIRING a meeting in Lahore on Saturday, Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar accorded approval to the establishment of Overseas Pakistanis Commission (OPC) in South Punjab as well as opening of OPC’s desks at all e-Khidmat Marakiz in different districts of the province to address grievances of overseas Pakistanis at grassroots level.
It is heartening to see that federal and provincial governments of PTI are giving special importance to overseas community and over the last two years launched several initiatives to support it. Indeed these overseas Pakistanis are immensely contributing to country’s economy by sending valuable foreign remittances. Therefore any step that is aimed at their welfare and facilitation is positive and must be welcomed. Establishing the OPC in South Punjab was in fact need of the hour, as it will help overseas Pakistani from this region to get their problems and grievances relating to government agencies addressed at their doorsteps. Since an amendment will be required in the OPC Act 2014 to give legal effect to its office in S. Punjab, this should be done without any delay after provincial cabinet approval. The expat body should be strengthened with the formation of advisory councils and district committees so that it could discharge its responsibilities as per expectations of overseas Pakistanis. We will also suggest Chief Minister Punjab to regularly monitor performance of the OPC in order to ensure that grievances of the expats are addressed in a timely manner.