PESHAWAR Advisor to the Chief Minister on Information, Ajmal Wazir Wednesday said the government would start delivery of Rs12,000 to around 2.2 million deserving families in KP from Thursday through a transparent online system under Federal Government Ehsas Cash Programme. Briefing media here Ajmal Wazir said 3500 centres have been established for this purpose. Under Ehsaas program, he said Rs12,000 one time per family would be given, which could be collected from these centres from 1pm on Thursday (April 9). In addition to it, Wazir said 6000 rupees will be given to each deserving family from provincial government relief package in the 2nd phase, thus a total of Rs18,000 would be provided to each deserving family. The Adviser said Chief Minister KP Mahmood Khan was closely mointoring the coronavirous situation on ground and visited Mardan district on April 7 to analyze the whole situation by himself. “The next two weeks are very crucial in terms of Coronavirus situation,” he said and sought cooperation of all segments of the society to follow Govt guidelines to prevent its further spread. Wazir urged masses to adopt all precautionary measures by adopting social distancing and stay homes imperative to win war against Coronavirus. He said implementation of SOPs issued by the Government from time to time was necessary to prevent spread of Coronavirus. The Adviser said protection of peoples’ lives was the first most priority of the Government and we would take all necessary steps in this direction. The Adviser highly appreciated the services of doctors and paramedic staff across the province combating the corona virus as frontline workers. Ajmal Wazir said the coming generation will always remember these heroes who are safeguarding the corona affected humanities with national spirit